Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pants? Pants Are a Big Deal?

Okay, so there was a rumor going around that in the new DCU, there was an edict that female characters were not to be exposing leg. That they were expected to be wearing pants. And I was surprised by the uproar this caused. Yes, it would mean changing some classic costumes. Many super heroine and villains tend towards cheesecake. Especially in the hands of some artists.

That's the work of Ed Benes. I think he is a realy good artist, and he clearly does love the female form. In fact, he does work on commission, including pin-ups. That picture is, in some peoples' opinions, what is wrong with comics today. New fans are not coming in because they see things like that and think that comics are all about fanservice, and that they are for pubescent teens or dirty old men to get their rocks off.

That's not all that comics are about, of course, although it would be disingenuous to claim that fanservice of various sorts is not present in comics. But honestly, I don't think pants are going to help. Even in the picture above, look at Hawkgirl. Pants... check. As highly sexualized as any of the other characters in the picture? Pretty much, yep. The only character who doesn't come off that way is maybe Vixen. And it isn't hard to find images where she is being handled that way, despite the pants.

If DC believes that decreasing the level of fanservice directed at people who like the look at the female form will truly help sales, I'm in. I have no problem with Wonder Woman now wearing pants, as long as they match the rest of the costume, and suit the character. Honestly, I'd rather see Diana in the kind of skirt that a Hoplite wore, as it seems to fit her origin and character better. But I have no particular attachment to Supergirl or Mary Marvel wearing skirts. I'd be happy to see those characters in tights, or even baggier pants if the costumes were designed well.

As it turns out, there was no such edict from DC editorial. This can be pretty clearly seen on the cover of the new Suicide Squad title. Harley Quinn is not what I would call modestly dressed on that cover. And even if she were wearing pants, that top is not helping. But here is the thing. I don't think women mind sexy, for the most part. Growing up reading comics, I wanted to be able to see myself in the role of Batman, or Spider-Man, or whoever. I imagine female fans feel the same way. And I don't think they the escapist alter-egos of women are typically bland, any more than I would want to look like a schlubby, overweight version of Batman if could be as impressive as he is.

What I think is important is to make sure that women's presence in comics is more that just fanservice. That the characters are strong, capable of looking after themselves, and have depth to them. If all that is true, then I think people will enjoy reading about the character whether she is wearing pants or fishnets. However, if a character is present only for fanservice purposes, then it hurts the overall integrity of the comic. It's important to me that this industry carries on, and if having less cheesecake is part of the way to do that, so be it. But let's also address the idea of creating characters that girls and women will want to be, or at least admire and look up to. Then dress them appropriately for that character. I love the fact that Zatanna's costume calls to mind a stage magician or magician's assistant. I think it suits the character. I'm sad to see it looks like that costume is gone in Justice League Dark. That said, if the white top Zatanna wears buttons all the way up to her neck and there is no cleavage, I am fine with that - it is still appropriate to the character. And that, to me, is really where these decisions should be coming from.

Worth mentioning, by the way, that Ed Benes does a lot more than just cheesecake. I don't want to be seen as picking on him. The man does great work on all sorts of characters. Here are a couple of examples of his work that I really like.


Shlomo Ben Hungstien said...

when it comes to DC women both good and bad please don't change a thing! i left a comment also on the posting for SS#1 but i'll say it here too that i like the direction their going in with Harley's new look. the jury's still out on Deadshot my favorite look for him was the whole trench coat get up although the "ribbed" mask didn't do much for me.

Just_A_Rat said...

Thanks for your comment, David. I don't mind them changing costumes, but I do feel pretty strongly that doing so by editorial fiat rather than considering the character is a bad idea. Characters' costumes, both male and female, should make sense in context of the character. That should be the only barometer, really.